8 Ways to Embrace Spirituality in Everyday Life

Finding your spiritual side is an important step in the journey of holistic Personality Development. However, many people do not realize the importance of being in touch with one’s spirituality. Spirituality is not merely following customs and traditions of your chosen religion, although that helps too. Spirituality is an inner awareness of one’s connectedness with something higher, call it God or Collective or Source or Life Force. It is the wonderful feeling that we are all part of a big picture, and that each of us is connected.


Let me share 8 ways to embrace spirituality in our busy and often cluttered everyday life.




When we are silent and peaceful, we can hear the gentle rhythm of our soul. Whether we choose to adopt a guided meditation, a trance meditation, a visualization meditation or any other of the thousands of forms available, it will still work as long as you get a few moments of peace, quiet and calm reflection. You don’t even have to assume a pose for it – you can do it while you are performing mindless chores or even exercise.




Prayer is an extremely effective way for us to connect to the spiritual realm, whether we are praying to God, Goddess, angels or other entities. It still is an acceptance that we are all connected, and there is a bigger picture to life. We don’t have to pray only during times of distress, or even recite hymns – we can just say a quick, silent prayer before we begin our day and/or retire for the night. 




Gratitude opens a floodgate of inner peace, and thereby spiritual awareness. Count your blessings. Bless the food you eat. Make a list of things you are grateful for. All these will open us up, and bring us closer to experiencing peace and awakening. When we are grateful for everything from our food to our life, we are acknowledging the presence of a Universal Energy and welcoming more positivity into our lives.




Compassion and empathy are true spiritual bridges. When we feel for another and connect with them, we are indeed connecting to the spiritual realm. Only a truly spiritual person can truly feel another’s pain and pleasure. And if you can do it, then you are spiritual, whether or not you “believe” in spirituality. 🙂




Rituals are very powerful. Having simple 2-minute positive rituals, done in good spirit, can help you feel more connected and peaceful. For example, if you always bless the food before you eat it, or light incense sticks in the evening, or wish goodwill to everyone before you sleep; you are attracting the path of spirituality and awareness into yourself.




Having knowledge of your 7 chakras and how to open them up, is very helpful in a quest for spirituality. I shall probably be writing another article on chakras soon, but for now, let me wrap it by saying that the 7 chakras are Crown Chakra (top of your head, violet/white), Third Eye Chakra (between your brows, indigo), Throat Chakra (throat, blue), Heart chakra (mid-chest, green), Solar Plexus Chakra (navel, yellow), Spleen Chakra (lower abdomen, orange) and Root Chakra (between genitals and anus, red).




Spirituality, like any other quality, can be imbibed through constant interaction with highly aware, spiritual and conscious people. Being with people who are too worldly can often bring your awareness levels down, but contact with aware and spiritual souls can really help you boost it up. And if you cannot find such people in your locality, find them online! 


Kindness and Helpfulness


Being kind and extending a helping hand to another in need is a very spiritual act. If you can selflessly help someone out, however trifle the thing may be, it still boosts your awareness, peace and connectedness. Even if you do not believe that the Universe will repay your kindnesses threefold, you can still feel a sense of elation and fulfillment through acts of kindness. It is essentially what a spiritual experience is all about! 

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