Acid Reflux – Should You Diagnose Yourself?

While it can be comforting to self-diagnose yourself using information that you gathered online, from friends or just plain old found in books it’s not always the best way to go. You don’t need to pay to see your doctor, won’t have to wait for the results of tests and you’re also comfortable in the knowledge of what is actually ailing you.

However, in the case of acid reflux, there is no need for a self diagnosis, which isn’t at all reliable. If self diagnosis was so simple then why would we need doctors? It’s also a bit silly to not have your acid reflux diagnosed properly as the test is so simple. Don’t be the one to run the risk of developing some of them more serious complications associated with acid reflux due to your reluctance to undergo a simple diagnosis.

The simple act of going to the doctor will help you diagnose this condition with absolute certainty. GERD can usually be diagnosed without any formal or invasive tests; the doctor will simply listen to what you have to say and consider the symptoms before making his or her mind up. This is normally more than enough for a correct diagnosis. Medication may be prescribed at this point to assess whether or not the acid reflux reacts to the medication.

Are there are potential problems with this simple approach? Potentially yes. that is the other problems that can be similar to GERD, or with the complications caused as a result of acid reflux. In the first case a condition could be only partially dealt with, but if there are complications the result is far more serious. The medication could mask something like an ulcer or Barret’s Oesophagus that has developed due to acid reflux and now requires stronger medication.

If you or the doctor are in doubt then perhaps a more thorough examination may be required. The doctor may need to use endoscopes, x-rays, and even biopsies taken from within the oesophagus, to fully diagnose your acid reflux. When it gets to this point you may be thinking, “my tongue tastes of acid, of course I’ve got acid reflux,” but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

The procedures you may need to have done for proper diagnosis may seem like too much at times but much better that you have the problem diagnosed and treated properly now then letting the condition cause permanent damage to your body.

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