Cooking With Nutrition in Mind
I was so excited to receive my copy of From One Small Garden – Over 300 Delicious Nutritious Recipes in the mail – for several reasons. First, I know the authors. They are our neighbors and friends. So of course I really was looking forward to holding their book in my hands and showing my support of their work. They do a lot for the community here from donating gift certificates to fundraisers or produce from their gardens, cleaning litter from the streets, and so much more including performing (Dave’s a musician) for charitable events. As their neighbor I also benefit from seeing their stunning gardens; I watched them transform their property into this heavenly garden scape, and the smells wafting out of their kitchen on a regular basis is super enticing!
That aside, I took a real unbiased look at the book. First thing that struck me was the beautiful cover design! But then I saw just how large this book is – 275 pages. I love the large font size – no more squinting in the kitchen trying to find my place in the recipe!
Then I started browsing the chapters and saw titles like Thai Lettuce Rolls, Tomatillo Salsa, Peanut Sauce, Brocco-shroom Salad, Sweet Wheat Germ Bread, Homestead Mushroom Soup and Falafal Patties. I can hardly wait to try them all!
The really interesting part comes at the end of the book. There’s this chapter with quite a few helpful recipes for the household, like: natural hair spray, sprays to keep away pests, household cleaners and air fresheners, herbal tea concoctions for headaches, digestive issues, hormone or illness… and there’s even stuff for the dogs; skunk remedy and doggie treats. No longer will I have an endless pile of recycling and trash to deal with because I’m making these at home! Reducing plastic bottles, plastic wrap, paperboard boxes and so on. Reducing my exposure to chemicals… I love it!
I like how the index is created too – it is designed so that when you’ve taken advantage of peak harvest season at the farmers market and got an amazing price to boot, then what are you going to do with it all? It is easy. Just look up the veggie or fruit you have on hand and start browsing the enticing recipe titles that will include that particular fruit or vegetable.
I haven’t had a great deal of time to really get to know this book all the way, its every detail and all, but I’m excited and so glad I purchased a copy. I can’t recommend the Brummets’ new book enough. I encourage you to buy it. The last chapter alone will quickly save you more money than you spend on the book.
From One Small Garden: Over 300 Delicious Nutritious Recipes is available at AMAZON USA: OR AMAZON CANADA: