Practical Mind Skills – Peak Awareness Secrets of the Empedocles Meditation

Discover how to break free of mind delusions. Read on and learn how to use this deceptively simple practice to dramatically increase your awareness of what’s really going on.

It’s common to find meditations that dive you deeper and deeper into your own imagination, using visualisations and inner world adventuring to expand on your mental faculties and communicate with the deeper parts of your mind.

However, oftentimes these can simply serve to reinforce your own perspective and entertain as much as enlighten.

The ancient Taoist view of enlightenment was to remove the obstacles to clear perception rather than adding yet more distorted thinking, giving you a more accurate view of what’s happening.

Count Korzybski, founder of General Semantics espoused a similar view as well – using language instead of Taoist meditation. Korzybski recommended eliminating the use of the word ‘is’ from speech and thought. Nothing ‘is’ anything else.

Things do what they’re doing, as soon as we say something ‘is’ something else you distort and abstract your perception of that thing.

No longer does it simply appear before your senses, it becomes filtered through your thought patterns about it. You’ve taken a mental step back from the actual experience into a sensory matrix of your own design.

Empedocles was an ancient Greek philosopher, student of the Pythagorean mystery school and logician who left behind a series of philosophical poetry including this intriguing filter busting meditation.

You might find this to be one of the simplest yet most challenging meditations to sustain and it does requires some concentration but it gives you some very useful and interesting mental advantages as you’ll discover.

The practice itself is simply this – place all your attention of literally just what you’re experiencing through your senses. All your senses, all at once. Notice simultaneously what you’re seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling all at the same time.

As soon as you’re attention drops one sense channel, strive to click it back into place so that you enter into increasingly aware states of mind but with a very clean focus on your immediate environment.

Sound easy? Give it a go!

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